
Radio Hesdin F 90.6 MHz

This is 1ere RADIO INDEPENDANTE DE LA COTE D'OPALE, broadcasting from the coastal district at the English Channel. I have tried the contact information on the home page with no success but yesterday I found an email address to their Directeur technique Nicolas Veniel. Today I sent an email report and received a most wonderful QSL with a lot of files attached: Logo, jingle , map, Google Earth file, photos of antennas and more. About his station Nicolas writes:

Radio 6 is broadcasting 4 different programs:

- Dunkerque 99,0
- Calais 100,4
- Boulogne 92,0
- Montreuil sur mer 94,1

for this last one, we have 2 different frequencies, 94,1 FM located in "LEFAUX" and 90,6 FM located in "le quesnoy en artois".

Those 2 frequencies are broadcasting the same program.

In fact, we have about 15' to 20' per hour where each frequencie broadcast specific program, news, advertising, and so on ...

I attached 2 files with my report, one recorded on 92.0 and the other on 90.6 MHz. Both had the central program of Radio 6. Has to try to find local spots next summer season...

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