
NPO Radio 4 Goes HOL 95.0 MHz

I had a very strong signal from Radio 4 on July 14 around 1330  with the program  'Licht op 4', where they played The Moldau by Bedrich Smetana. My reception was verified by Corine Rietveld Zenderproducer NPO Radio 4. (They changed name from Radio 4 to NPO Radio 4 August 20)


Omrop Fryslân Radio Jirnsum HOL 92.2 MHz

I heard no ID on this one but  several local commercials which were recognized by Martin Wijbenga
1e Programmatechnicus at Omrop Fryslân who was glad to confirm my reception.

WDR5 Bad Oeynhausen D 87.7 MHz

Reception verified with a card in a huge letter containing a lot of promoting stuff!

KCLR Kilkenny IRL 96.0 and 96.2 MHz

KCLR was heard on both 96 and 96.2 MHz July 3. My reception was verified by Pat Maher Broadcast Engineer

Omroep Brabant Editie West Roosendaal HOL 91 MHz

My reception was verified by Eefke Boelhouwers, who also was the DJ on  the recording attached to my report.


Radio M Utrecht HOL 93.1 MHz

Rachel Voorbij at the Nieuwsredactie RTV Utrecht verifies my reception of Radio M in Utrecht in the center of Holland-

Life FM Cork IRL 93.1 MHz

Brian Daly Station manager of Life FM in Cork writes about my reception July 3 2014:
I am familiar with this phenomenon called E skipping. This is the first time someone as far away as Sweden has received us on fm. We are transmitting on 93.1 fm from Cork City in the South of Ireland.

LM FM Saggart IRL 95.5 MHz

Eddie Caffrey is the engineer of LM FM and was very happy to confirm my reception on July 3 2014. He tells me that he used to work on Boyneside Radio. I checked my QSL from this station and indeed he also signed my QSL back in 1986!

Raidió na Gaeltachta Truskmore IRL 92.6 MHz

Raidió na Gaeltachta was logged on several frequencies July 3 when the conditions favoured Ireland and the western parts of England. Report was verified via Facebook.

Manx Radio Snaefell G 89 MHz

Despite a local transmitter on 89.1 MHz and some BBC QRM Manx Radio could be heard with some local comercials on 89.0 MHz. Transmitter is situated on the top of the ony mountain on the Isle of Man, 610 m asl. Manx Radio celebrate their 50 years anniversary this year. I logged them for the first time in 1966 when they had a transmitter on 1295 kHz. Nowadays they are on 1368 kHz and can be heard daily. My reception was verified by Broadcast Engineer Ed Rixon. He sent a link where you can see a lot of pictures of their Snaefell antennas. Snaefell

Itsy Bitsy_Tulcea ROM 89.5 MHz

Andreea Margasoiu Project Manager of Itsy Bitsy in Romania confirms my reception report.

Val 202 Beli Križ SVN 94.1 MHz

Mirko Štular Odgovorni urednik - Managing Editor confirms that I tuned in to Val 202 in the beginning of June 2014.

VRT Studio Brussel Leuven BEL 88.0 MHz

Elise Vandevenne works at VRT Customer services and was happy to confirm my reception of Studio Brussel. She also promised me a surprise via the post office.
( Two days later I received a letter with a lot of stuff: Underwear, pen, stickers, music CD..... )

Radio Melodiya Lviv UKR 91.5 MHz

Director of Radio Melodiya,  Tat'yana Voloshina, confirm that I have listened to Radio Melodiya from Lviv. She also sent  2 photos.

Fun Rádio Trenčín / Javorník SK 89.1 MHz

My report was confirmed by Juraj Nevesely. On a question about local transmissions from Fun Radio he writes "We have 5 different regions for local commercial breaks. I am sending you regions information in the attachment. "

Frekvencia Vysielač Región
87,7 MHz Košice - Dubník VÝCHOD
89,1 MHz Trenčín - Nad Oborou II SEVER
89,2 MHz Ružomberok - mesto SEVER
91,6 MHz Lučenec - Blatný vrch JUH
93,2 MHz Tornaľa - silo JUH
94,0 MHz Nitra - mesto ZÁPAD
94,3 MHz Bratislava - Kamzík ZÁPAD
95,0 MHz Liptovský Mikuláš - Háj Nicovô SEVER
99,2 MHz Žilina - Krížava SEVER
102,5 MHz Poprad - Hranovnica STRED
102,8 MHz Bardejov - mesto VÝCHOD
102,8 MHz Rožňava - silo JUH
102,9 MHz Košice - Werferova ul. VÝCHOD
104,0 MHz Banská Bystrica - Suchá hora STRED
104,0 MHz Senica - mesto ZÁPAD
106,3 MHz Považská Bystrica – mesto SEVER
107,1 MHz Levice - Veľká Vápenná JUH

Muz FM Edineţ MD 89.5 MHz

This station was logged back in June but I sent a report last week. My report was verified by Alexandr Turevici   redactor muzical . He invited me to Moldova but forgot the ticket...