LKB/LLE Bergen Kringkaster 1314
I was very lucky when I managed to tune in to this station last week. I had tremendeous QRM from both Romania and Spain and only for a few minutes I managed to hear their old interval signal. My reception was verified by Svenn Martinsen "Assistant Chief Engineer". They used an Western Electric(WE 451A-1) from the late 1940-ies. Power was 60 watt into a vertical Comrod/Tjøstheim antenna..
Vahon Hindustani Radio 1557
Koos Wijnants of the Benelux DX-Club confirms my reception of Vahon 1557. They have a very nice signal here in northern Sweden every morning. Attached to his mail was a QSL-card as a pdf-file.
One Radio Nitra SVK 90.6 MHz
I logged them this summer and did not receive any reply to my email report. Today I was really surprised when director Milan Homola sent an email and confirmed my reception. He had found my mail in the SPAM-folder.
KIIX Fort Collins CO 1410
Americas Best Music KIIX was logged several times in the end of October. Engineering Manager Dave Agnew sent me a very pleasant email with a lot of information. KIIX transmit with 1 kW directional at night. 1410 is a rather busy cannel over here with strong signals from CFTE in Vancouver or WPOP Hartford most of the time when transatlantic stations are coming through, so I was a lucky guy when they came through.
Radio Krakow PL 90.0 MHz
Last week I received a very enthusiastic mail from Jerzy Pawelczyk ( Fonoteka Radia Kraków) confirming my reception of Radio Krakow last summer. Jerzy writes:
We told the listeners about that curious phenomenon in one of our broadcasts. I will try to find it among archive server recordings. As soon as I succeed I will send you this recording.
We told the listeners about that curious phenomenon in one of our broadcasts. I will try to find it among archive server recordings. As soon as I succeed I will send you this recording.
Z-86 Curom Broadcasting Willemstad Curacao 860 kHz
This station was logged quite often last autumn. My best reception was November 12. I tried several email reports with no luck. I also tried to send a message to DJ Jay T on his facebook but no reply. Yesterday my friend Bernt-Ivan told me he had a chat with Jay T the same afternoon so I tried the same. Jay T responded very friendly and I could "convince" him that my recording was really made in Sweden. First QSL from Curacao for me.
Radio eR Lublin POL 87.9 MHz
Brief email from Tomasz Dziadczyk Radio eR producer confirms my reception and also promises a letter in my snailmailbox next week!
KMIK Tempe AZ 1580
It was a great surprise when Radio Disney was coming through on 1580 for several hours last week. Daytime power? A friendly mail from Steve Earnhart confirms my reception. Arizona is one of the toughest states to catch at my place.
Európa Rádió Szeged HNG 87.9 MHz
I received a very friendly email frpm program director Zoltán Kovács at Európa Rádió. Attached was a QSL-letter as a pdf-file. Európa Rádió is owned by two church districts of the Reformed Church in Hungary. They began in Miskolc back in 2001 and now have transmitters on 7 local frequencies in the northern part of Hungary.
Radio Merkury Poznan POL 91.9 MHz
Jędrzej Świerczyński sent me a very nice and long email confirming my reception of Radio Merkury in Poznan. He also attacehd three jpg-photos of their buildings, car and logo.
La Voz Amiga Ubatè COL 1270
This station belongs to the Cadena Melodia with key station in Bogota on 730 AM. Nowadays it is very hard to get any local identifications, but I have been lucky a few times the last year. Yesterday I had a Facebook-conversation with Jorge Conejo who is responsible for their Cadena Melodia Ubaté account. Jorge is the programador musical and lucotor of La Voz Amiga. You can find his photo https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=183164035149748&set=t.100004075843621&type=1&theater.
Jorge is the guy to the right. Below a studio photo ( estas imagenes las acabo de tomar con mi telefono movil ).
Jorge is the guy to the right. Below a studio photo ( estas imagenes las acabo de tomar con mi telefono movil ).
WRHC Miami FL 1550 AM

La Voz de Su Amigo Esmeraldas EQA 1340
This is a really hard to catch station. I have succeeded just once, October 23,2011. Henrik Klemetz helped me to identify it and reveal some details from my recording. I did not receive any reply to my first report but yesterday I found a new email address and sent a reminder of my reception.. I received a kind reply within an hour. Verie signer was Andrea Medina.
Radio Comas Lima PRU 1300 AM
End of September I logged a station on 1300 AM carrying a evangelistic program called "La Voz de Salvación" from Iglesia Pentecostal la Cosecha. New one I thought until it identified as Radio Comas. According to V/s Gerente Rosa Saldaña Iberico they send this program between 2300 and 0500 local time in Perú.
Radio Nuevo Tiempo Lima PRU 1380 AM
David Mamani Chambi at Producciones Nuevo Tiempo today kindly verified my reception of Radio Nuevo Tiempo in Lima.
WNIK Unica Radio Arecibo PR 1230
I have tried to get a QSL from WNIK Radio Unica for a very long time. Two weeks ago I found Jose G Garcia Gonzalez on Facebook and he was very happy to confirm my report. He gave me a very detailed description of the contenet of the recording I sent him. José works on the weekends on WNIK and Radio Once and also have his on company working with WiFi.(http://wifigratispr.webs.com/).
WTIL Radio Util Mayaguez PR 1300 AM
I logged them for the very first time in mid September with a nice call at the TOH. Today Program director Lynette Matos verified my report via her Iphone.
WKCK Radio Cumbre Orocovis PR 1470 kHz
Radio Cumbre has been logged several times since mid-September. Yesterday I sent a report to an address found on their home page and received a brief email QSL after an hour. V/s was Gerente General Julio Garcia!
NBC Rete Regione Terlago-Paganella I 105,1 MHz
Alessandro on RealDX helpt me with identification of NBC which I logged summer 2011. Today I sent an email to the info address and in a few minutes I got a verification from Rosy Nannarone.
Radio Hey CZE 91.8 MHz
I sent a reminder to their facebook account this morning and received a nice reply confirming my report. They had analysed my recording and informed me that the music with Sweet in the beginning was not Radio Hey, but the center part with an announcement and some commercials was indeed the voice of their announcer Matin Stefl.
Radio Brasov ROU 87.8 MHz
A follow up report this morning via Facebook immediately gave an enthusiastic reply from the Radio Brasov team!
Hit Radio Brcko BIH 89.5 MHz
I was very surprised when I opened my Facebook yesterday and found a message from director Jovica Panic of Hit Radio in Brcko confirming my report sent back in June! Hit Radio transmits from Mount Majevica 600 meters asl with a power of 1 kW into a 4X dipole system vertically polarized.
Kiss Delta Kolin CZE 90.2 MHz
The Kiss Delta Team sent me a fascinating email thanking me for my report. They normally store high quality studio recordings for only 30 days, but they succeeded to find a 128 kbps mono recording from the exact moment when I tuned them in in Sweden.
RBB Fritz Belzig D 91.9 MHz
Aditya Sharma at the "Musikredaktion" of RBB Fritz sent me a long email confirming my reception of RBB Fritz on 91.9 MHz. He also attached a studio recording of their program the few minutes I logged them July 26.
Radio Regina Studio Banska Bystrica Lucenec SVK 88,2 MHz
Hitrádio Magic Mlada Boleslav CZE 91.7 MHz
Today I checked the SPAM-folder of my Hotmail account and found a nice QSL from Markéta Volfová, speaker of Hitrádio Magic. Her voice was on the recording I attached to my report. You can read more about her here.
France Bleu Orléans F 93.9 MHz
A really nice email from Robert Cadene, technicien à France Bleu Orléans, verifies my reception of their program about gardening July 26 2012. In his mail he also writes: Pour vous
remercier de votre attention nous allons vous envoyer un petit colis avec
quelques cadeaux offerts par notre radio aux auditeurs.
Radio Déclic FM Toul F 87.7
Jérôme Roisin- Responsable associatif - wrote a very enthusiastic email in French. He asked me for my favourite song to be played on Déclic FM!
Radio Studio Delta Cesena I 92.8 MHz
In a brief email Daniele Tigli verifies my reception of Radio Studio Delta, RSD. He also gave me the following promise: We are sending you some merchandising of our radio station, hope you like it.
Radio Zlin CZE 91.7 MHz
Veronika Mandincova also confirms my reception of Radio Zlin. She was really surpised that Radio Zlin and ROCK MAX can be heard in Sweden.
ORF Radio Steiermark Mitterbach AUT 92.8 MHz
My report was verified by Maidi Schicker ORF Steiermark/Kundenservice. She also attached their log for the time I received them.
Radio R Mokra-Horakov CZE 89.2 MHz
July 26 was a fantastic day for reception of Czech FM radio stations. On 89.2 MHz I logged Radio R in a fight with Radio Jizera! Leas Krpensky confirms my reception and writes: We were born as a small regional radio. There is no equivalent of
this service in the Czech Republic. Broadcasts from the beginning has been to our village Mokra-Horakov
with transmission power of 5W and transmission time only 12h a day.
We have now extended the broadcast for other municipalities in
the area, raising the output power of 50W.
Vivre FM Paris F 93.9 MHz
Radio Stajerski Val Boc SVN 93.7
Logged them last year but never sent a report until yesterday. My reception was verified in a brief email from Petra Debelak (Glavna in odgovorna urednica).
Radio Antena Celje SVN 87.8 MHz
RMF FM Wroclaw POL 92,9 MHz
Program director Przemysław Kula confirms my reception of RMF FM. According to him RMF FM is the most popular radio station in Poland with a daily number of listeners counting 9 to 10000000!
Radio Hana Olomouc CZE 92.3 MHz
The owner Pavel Foretnik verifies my reception of Radio Hana. He says the coverage area is a circle with 80 kilometers diameter. He also mentions that he used to listen to Spanish stations in the FM-band as a youngster, dreaming of a radio station of his own. He had made a search for my house and found it on Google Street View (Google Earth). The radio house in Olomouc is over 500 years old and can "remember" the Swedish occupation 1642-1650!
Radio Arabella Wien AUT 92.9 MHz
Leila Fallahi confirms my reception of Radio Arabella Luly 26 2012. She writes: You are right, the signal
you received is from our radio station in Vienna/Austria, Radio Arabella 92,9.
I recognized the voice of our radio host, Sylvia Reim.
Radio Noord Holland Amsterdam HOL 88.9 MHz
Dep. Chief Audio engineer Ron Bakker verifies my August 11 reception of Radio Noord Holland in Amsterdam. The voice on my recording was Abel de Lange, presenting his program.
Radio Radicale Ferrara 88.4 MHz
I used the report form to the Ufficio Tecnico for my report to Radicale and received a not signed nice email confirming my reception of the 2 kW transmitter in Ferrara.
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