
Radio Granma Manzanillo 1000

Brief email from Rodrigo Motas Tamoyo verifies my reception of Radio Granma.

XEEP Radio Educación México 1060

Email from subdirector Ramsés Márquez G. verifies my reception. He also promised to send "una fotografía de nuestra emsiora"

CMLL Radio Victoria Las Tunas 1050

Nice email from subdirectora Yenima Díaz Velásquez verifies my recent reception. Promised to send me a "Tarjeta de Confirmación" later.


Twojego Radio Ozorków AM 1584

This station transmits with 100 watts of power and is heard at my place with surprisingly good strength. They will broadcast a special transmission for foreign listeners Nov 22 at 08.10 UTC.


Radio Continente Caracas 590

Brief email from gerente general Jose Elias Ibañez verifies my reception of Radio Continente.


Oxigeno Tunja 1230

Very nice email from Maritza Caballero verifies my reception of Oxigeno Tunja. They sometimes relay Oxigeno Boyaca 88.6 FM but most of the time they have their own programs. Maritza is the secretary of Caracol in Tunja. She attached a photo of herself and her children!

Radio Tropicana Guayaquil 540

Nice email from Otto Sonnenholzner Sper verifies my reception of Radio Tropicana in Guayaquil. Mr Sonnenholzner is the owner of Radio Tropicana and also president of AER Guyas.


Radio Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana 940

I have tried several email addresses found on their home page with just auto replies. Today I found an alternative gmail address to Norberto Fuertes M. who replied after 2 hours.

KOLM Rochester MN 1520

KOLM was logged October 31 when they were stronger than WWKB most of the time. Operations manager Brent Ackerman verified my reception.


Radio Atalaya Guayaquil 680 AM

Very friendly email from director de Deportes Migule Gomez verifies my reception of Radio Atalaya that was logged in the beginning of October 2010.


Radio Venezuela Oriente Porlamar 720

Nice email from Héctor Toyo Gerente verifies my reception of Radio Oriente. He seems to enjoy receiving reports!