KSRO Santa Rosa CA 1350

KKNT Phoenix AZ 960

This is my first QSL from Arizona. I logged them December 9, when reception conditions were excellent. I could see their trace on the SDR-IQ for almost an hour until finally CFAC faded down and I heard a very faint ID. John Timm General Manager says in an email that they have received several reports from northern Sweden, but recently also one from Italy. Thank you John for my US state #49, still missing Vermont and Delaware.
WPDR Portage WI 1350
KGST Fresno CA 1600

WBSM New Bedford MA 1420
KNZZ Grand Junction CO 1100
KODY North Platte NE 1240

KFYR Bismarck ND 550
KBKW Aberdeen WA 1450
KGY Olympia WA 1240
KWTL Grand Forks ND 1370
CJSN Shaunavon SK 1490

Broadcast Engineer Matt Heinrichs today verified my reception of CJSN. He had som trouble to play my recording and gave me contact information to two other engineers at CJSN, Jeff Kachmarski and Dave Funk. My thanks to Matt and to my friend Christer Koivuranta in Luleå who help me with contact information.
KSEN Shelby MT 1150
CFGN Port-au-Basque NL 1230
Radio Sistema 2 (Radio Sucre) Guayaquil 1080

Radio Vigia Quito 840
WVJS Owensboro KY 1420
Radio Universal Guayaquil 1270

Gracias por informarnos haber escuchado esta emisora, en honda corta si es posible se escuche en Suecia, el CD enviado confirma que si es Radio Universal de Guayaquil, Ecuador, sur amèrica, tambièn nos puedes escuchar por internet, nuestra pàgina es:
She also tells me that they have shortage of electricity in Ecuador. Not enough rain!
WRKO Boston MA 680
CINA Mississauga ON 1650
KXO El Centro CA 1230

KMXA Aurora CO 1090

KKAA Aberdeen SD 1560
WINZ Miami FL 940

Radio Victoria Lima 780
Radio Nueva Q FM Lima 1360
KPNW Eugene OR 1120

Radio Enlace 860 Valle de la Pascua
I sent a report addressed to Jane Zamora owner of Enlace 8-60 but in a reply today Zenibeth Ruiz tells me that Jane Zamora no longer works at the station. She also verifies my report. My second Venezuela this evening!
Armonía 13-60 YVTZ Charallave

KTBK Auburn WA 1210
KPUG Bellingham WA 1170
WRNI Providence RI 1290
WFFG Marathon FL 1300
CKHJ Fredricton NB 1260
Emisora Minuto de Dios Barranquilla 1370

Radio Emanuel Santo Domingo 1430

Radio San Carlos 920

WLQY Hollywood FL 1320
Radio Rebelde Several frequencies
WWSM Anville PA 1510

KCKK Littleton CO 1510

I have sent a lot of reception reports to this station during the last 20 years. They are quite an easy catch and I have logged them several times recently. Today I received a verification from Station Manager Casey Light. He writes :"We wish Foppa was still here!". Foppa = Peter Forsberg former NHL player in Colorada, now playing in our local team MoDo where he started his career almost 20 years ago!
KATQ Plentywood MT 1070

On their their home page you can read: KATQ am reduces its power from 5000W to 50W at sunset. KATQ’s signal remains omni-directional at night and reaches approximately 30 miles in all directions. . They must have worked with full power when I logged them.
Armonías Boyacenses Tunja 950
Radio Trinchera Antimperialista Guantánamo 1070
WJDY Salisburg MD 1470
CFNW Port au Choix NL 790
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