Eric Reidar Burris Program Coordinator at Alternative talk KKNW 1150 tonight verified my 2007 report. He recommended to listen to The Scandinavian Hour aired from 9 am to 10 am every Saturday. I will do so! Thank you for QSL Eric!
Tonight I received an email from Jim Tharp RF engineer at KIRO, KTTH and KBSG. He is also a ham operator WA7KYI. He told me to send a hard copy letter of reception for a hard copy QSL. He also told me that he has recently taken over the duties of QSL Manager and that past reception reports have been ignored.
Today I received an email from Heberto Pérez Espín Gerente XERF. He verified my reports from October and November last year. XERF has a powerful signal here on 1570 and is a regular catch . Thank you Mr Pérez and also my thanks to Odd-Jörgen Sagdahl helping me with a valid email address.
Today I received a nice mail from Thomas (Tommy) Braathen at KBUL verifying my October 13 2007 reception. Tommy is of Norwegian origin. He mentions that a KBUL producer has included a new identifier in their programs and also attached it to his mail. Listen! Thank you Tommy! Also thanks to Odd-Jörgen Sagdahl of Norway who helped me with the email address.
Classic Country BKV has been rather common this season on 1470. Lately they have been a little high with some drift around 1470,015 kHz. Program Director Bob Bonenfant verified my October 13 2007 reception with a very short mail. Thank you Bob!
If you hear BBC programs on 1480 you have probably tuned in to WGVU Public Radio. Not very much local programming the time of the day when WGVU can be received here. However they have local identifications and short announcements around the hour and half hour. Diana Comstock Engineering Office Coordinator WGVU - Grand Valley State University verified my Jan 3 2008 reception with a nice email. Thank you Diana!
January 27 2008 I had several stations from Florida in the high end of the AM band. I had three of them on 1600, WOKB was strongest with its Haitian Night program with announcements in French and Caribbean music. No name on the email I received from
CKMW is really strong on 1570 but sometimes KVTK can be heard with sports. Kevin Culhane owner of the Culhane Communications verified my March 4 2007 reception with a nice email. Thank you Mr Culhane!
I have received CHED only twice. At my place it is very hard to get around the Norwegian transmitter on the same channel. Some days ago I sent a follow up to Tom Davies Chief Engineer Corus Radio Edmonton. I received a nice reply confirming my reception. Thank you Tom!
November 11 2007 offered extremely good reception of stations in the state of Washington. It was a real surprised when the religious programming of KTTO surfaced over KFBX and KBUL. Sister Patricia sent me a nice email with a lot of information about the monestary. Thank you Patricia!
After some detective investigations by my friend Jan Edh I received the email address to Eric Goldberg at Clear Channel in Toledo. He verified my Nov 18 2007 WSPD report. I thought I had rather good reception but apparently he did not. He wrote... Through the painstaking noise I did indeed hear our radio station 1370 WSPD.....
Conditions were extremely good on October 13 2007, but it was still a very big surprise when KBRB surfaced for some minutes over several other stations on this graveyard channel. Received a nice email from Randy Brudigan/Engineer. Thank you Randy!
Voces Latina from Toronto was a most wanted QSL. I have tried several times before but today I got my hands on a valid email address and after some hours Michelle Maron the Executive Director of the San Lorenzo Latin American Community Centre & Radio Voces Latinas replied with a very nice email with some photos from the constructionof their new antenna. Thank you Michelle!
KXMR was heard on Dec 31 2007 when I for half an hour had good conditions towards North Dakota. KIRO in Seattle is hard to get around most days, but this morning KXWR made it. Received a nice email from Rick Anthony who is the program director of KXMR. Thank you Rick!
This station is a common catch here with its religious programming with mixed English a Tagalog . My friend Jan Edh gave me a valid emailaddress to Sheen S. Sales who writes like this:
My name is Sheen S. Sales yes im glad that you are able to receive the DWXI 1314KHz transmission from Manila Philippines... its amazing how far the transmission can reach now.....
After receiving my verification from CKAD I asked Dianne to listen to short clip from one of the very rare occasions with local programming on CKDY. This was recorded on February 23 2007. Received another QSL after 2 hours. Thank you Dianne!
My name is Gert Nilsson, I have been a DX-er since 1963 and have more than 3400 QSLs.
This QSL-blog started January 1st 2008. I will not publish contact information to radio stations on my blog but for more information please contact me at gertdx(at)